As we become more attuned to our bodies, their ailments and quirks, we become more motivated to see ourselves fit and healthy. With the media discussing the best diet to be eating, how much we should be drinking and how often we should be enduring gym sessions, knowing what to do for the best in terms of our personal well being can be a bit of a minefield. However, with the emergence of more natural based supplements and remedies, we can rest a little easier knowing that what we are putting into our bodies doesn’t have to be synthetic, chemical or manmade.
The environment around us is abundant with plants, flowers and trees that have properties that can be extracted to help us human beings with a range of ailments or to protect us from diseases and illnesses. You don’t always have to reach for the first aid kit to whip out the packet of paracetamol or other generic painkiller. Relying on pills can lessen their efficacy when they are genuinely required. There is an alternative. Take a look at these everyday remedies that quite literally grow on trees and see which ones you might like to see in your medicine cabinet.
Although most commonly seen in a cordial or alcohol-free sparkling wine, the very essence of elderberry can boost our immunity and protect against colds and flu. A study over twenty years ago suggested that within 72 hours of taking the herbal supplement, flu-like symptoms were entirely diminished. The high concentration of antioxidants contained in elderberry syrup is a good medicine cabinet staple to ward off those winter sniffles.
This tiny tree found on the Indian subcontinent is full of good health-promoting properties. The production of moringa leaf powder has allowed the creation of an antioxidant-filled tea that has a flavour reminiscent of glorious matcha green tea. With each serving containing nearly a third of your daily requirement of fiber, you can be sure to improve any sluggish digestive system and feel more alert and spritely. As you feel full for longer, moringa can even be used as part of a sensible weight loss plan acting as a natural appetite suppressant.
If you are a bit of a garlic fiend, you’ll welcome the fact that this pungent smelling ingredient is full of immunity-boosting properties. You are well within your rights to be adding an extra bit of garlic to your Italian ragus and authentic Goan curry sauces. Containing tiny sulfur based compounds, garlic can stimulate the immune system when fighting infections. If you’re feeling a little under the weather, sniffly, tired or simply a little off key, why not try taking half a clove of neat minced garlic to help you recover just that little bit quicker. If this sounds unpalatable, you can always take a capsule.
For those of us with an anxious disposition, gelsemium extract taken from a vine plant acts as a natural relaxant. Used for years as a way of treating those with a fear of flying or public speaking, gelsemium can take the edge of a panic situation. More gentle than the Valium, you won’t feel comatose, knocked out or have a fuzzy head with this more natural remedy. Gelsemium can allow you to focus on other aspects of your life meaning that your anxieties and fears are unable to take over.
Black Cohosh
For women who have reached menopausal age, excessive night sweats, irritability, mood swings and hot flushes can reduce their quality of life causing significant depression and anxiety. A member of the buttercup family, black cohosh is taken my menopausal women across the globe who swear by the positive effect of the plant-based extract. While there is very little proven evidence that black cohosh works, the fact that so many women concur on the benefits of it means that the scientific community has taken notice and studies are underway.
With a renewed focus in society on fitness, health and well being, it makes sense to reassess the health of our own bodies. Are we putting on a few too many pounds? Are we getting more colds than we used to? Is our complexion as flawless as it used to be? With more scientific evidence backing the claims of many alternative plant-based remedies, it’s only right that we take the plunge and utilize what is around us to promote good health and ensure that our immune systems are as strong as they can be.